Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Becca's Birth Announcement

My brother in law, Benjamin Eckstein has his own production company (Beryllium productions) and he took the time to produce this video for Becca's birth announcement. He's got a website if you are interested: http://benjamineckstein.com/ which I find fascinating. Thanks Ben!

If this video does not work, you can link to the video here.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Welcome to our new blog

Hello family and friends. Since our first blog (abigailnalda.blogspot.com) was so successful in updating everyone, we have decided to do it again. This time we are now a family of four - and complete! Rebecca Grace Nalda was born on March 3, 2010. I will do my best in these busy days to post some pictures and perhaps even some thoughts to my blog. Mostly I use it as a place to share pictures and movies.

Rebecca has already proven herself a perfect second child. She is mellow, happy, quiet and sleeps fairly well for a newborn. She's all I could ask for and more. Abigail has been a wonderful big sister and is continually helpful and only occasionally petulant. Please stay tuned for more pictures and movies.